Virat Kohli got married with Anushka Sharma, Virat as Indian team captain and Anushka Sharma is a Bollywood Actress. Although news was spreading on social media but people were not sure they think it can be fake news. Later it seems look like really they are marrying because both families, friends were flying to Italy. Both families didn’t react to media question as they say that they are on holidays.
Virat and Anushka Marriage Location
They booked place in Italy, which is beautiful place to spend time, they booked place from 9th to 12th December. This news looks like true when both Virat Kholi and Anushka Sharma off for Italy. Anushka Sharma took flight from Mumbai with his parents and brothers and Virat Kohli was in Delhi so he took flight from Delhi.
Virat Kohli has tried to make his marriage news hidden from other people, for that he covered his face from hood. It seems look like they will marry in Milan but later they cancelled it they booked place in Italy at Borgo Finocchieto resort near to Tuscany. This beautiful place is very famous in world and also second most expensive holiday spot all around the world.
Earlier Obama spend his vacation at Borgo Finocchieto, we can get idea how beautiful and expensive it will be. This place is very famous among celebrities; usually they spend their free time in this resort. It has huge historical importance a resort known as Borgo Finocchieto. “Virat and Anushka marriage got done on 11th December 2017 in Italy. They planned everything related their marriage booked almost every necessary things. Anushka Sharma called his personal designer to design his wedding dress.
Due to ongoing India match against Srilanka all players were busy in it, he invited only Sachin Tendulkar and Yuvraj Singh in cricketing field limited invitation from Virat Kholi. Anushka family believes in saint they have own personal pandit ‘Maharaja Anant Baba’ from Haridwar and they took him in Italy for marriage.
Virat and Anushka Marriage Ring
People got mad when they heard price of virat and anushka marriage ring very expensive ring so far. It’s very difficult task for Virat to choose a perfect ring for Anushka he spend 3 months to choose ring. The ring was designed by an Austria designer its cost price about Rs. 1Cr. Anushka surprised to see it and excited to wear it from Virat a “Dream Came True”.
They also organized reception in Delhi on 21st December & in Mumbai on 26th December. Anushka Sharma had carried marriage registration papers as it will be registered in Bandra Mumbai on January 12, 2018.
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