Living in an incredible country like India, at 12 months of the year there are countless religions, millions of deities and many holidays that will always be celebrated, on this colourful holiday there will always be feelings and curiosity. What can we expect from a living country?
Most Indians do not play cricket and when a child leaves school or university, does he not know the location of his racket and cricket bag? Even adults who have a passion for sports and who are seriously engaged in exercise play tennis, squash, golf, and badminton because they love swimming, yoga, jogging, playing sports, etc. Most large public and private companies can have cricket teams and cricket is primarily restricted to live TV broadcasts in the living room or is currently streamed anywhere on a mobile device via live broadcast.
Every day is an accident and every accident brings us closer to the solidarity between family, friends, and citizens. Believe it or not, but for us Indians, besides religion and festivals, there are many other things that you can see, play, read, socialize with, discuss, fight and appreciate, love for cricket. Indians motivate their kids from the beginning to become a cricketer in the future and buy them top cricket bats online to let them practice the game.
Who will forget the world’s largest cricket festival, the Cricket World Cup, which has dazzled us every four years since 1975, when the powerful West Indies won complete victories as champions? India became the second team to win the Cricket World Cup after the West Indies. Previously, they defeated the West Indies team, which twice won the World Cup in the House of Lords.
World Cup After 28 Years

So we played for almost 3 years before winning this prestigious championship again. After holding the Sixth World Cricket Championship around the world and 28 years of intense cricket, this magnificent Gold Cup reached India in 2011, so it’s not surprising that we Indians do everything possible to welcome all teams and play well. Suddenly, the blue team won this extraordinary world championship for cricket thanks to the excellent teamwork and the great personal performance of the Indian team members.
Love Continues to Grow
Now we are concerned and excited about all three cricket games. At home or on the field, we have won almost all of our competitions in three formats around the world. The Indian cricket team is more aggressive than ever, they are mentally stronger and can manipulate the opposing team’s game plan. Now they always enter the game as a favourite, and that’s a very proud feeling.
Why is this an important part?
If I ask you, you will not have the heart to pump blood and your answer will be direct, right? This is what cricket does to all Indian fans of fans and every game here adds passion to the game. Whether we are a morning alert on a test game or an exciting late-night alarm in a thrilling T20 game, we always care about that. From playing cricket in the streets to buying ca cricket bats online, Indians are just crazy about the game. This year there will be another carnival, the World Cup will be held in England and Wales, and this wonderful event will take place. As always, people have high hopes for the Indian team: they entered the World Cup in the best possible way and won the championship unconditionally.
Hats off to the Indian team for that!!!
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